Friday, March 1, 2013

Weekly Wrap Up: The Half Marathon Edition

My Princess Half Marathon Medal

What a week!  How we managed to get any work done this week is quite beyond me but we did.  Did we finish all our work so we can take the weekend off?  Of course not!  But that is my goal for next week!

We didn't do lessons on Monday because we were still at Disney for the half marathon.  Yes! I completed a half marathon!  All by myself!  Just me and God for 13.1 miles!  I have to be honest here and admit that I didn't run the whole 13.1 miles.  I am still quite the fat kid.  I did complete it though within the time allotted.  Oh and I wasn't last!  I don't want to give anymore details away.  That's my post for Sunday!

Tuesday brought a the first day of lessons and we were off!  Not as fast as I had anticipated but we plugged along.  That afternoon, we had art and Financial Peace University for Teens at our local homeschool enrichment studio.  

Wednesday was supposed to be Michael's day off but he had to go into work for a safety meeting.  That said, I kept JoJo and Madison home from church to continue to work on their lessons.  It was quite a shock to them that I would consider such a thing.  Let's hope when next week rolls around that they'll remember that feeling.
Hornbook from Colonial Crafts

Thursday brought homeschool enrichment morning for Madison.  My little social butterfly loves to go.  I teach 2 classes there anyway.  Might as well let her come too.  Just so happens this week they worked on fractions and made a catapult in science class.  

After enrichment class,  Madison and I walked Lake Hollingsworth (3.1 miles). No pressure to keep time.  Just a leisurely walk to keep my muscles from getting sore.  It was nice to walk and talk with my little girl. Except she isn't so little anymore.  She chattered away for the entire walk.  Heaven on earth.

Reading while waiting for the play to begin

Friday brought the Orlando Shakespeare Theater  This place is seriously becoming one of my favorite places to go.  I have never seen a bad play there.  The acting is beyond superb.  I love that they are doing the original plays as well.  The children don't always understand what is going on but they stay engaged in the acting.  This time we got to see Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen.  Now that we all saw the play, I think it will be our next read a loud.  Phenomenally done!

As our family present last Christmas was annual passes to Disney, we absolutely stopped for a visit on our way home.  This time, we went into Animal Kingdom Park  I am always amazed at how in tune to nature my children are becoming.  They point out trees and name them, tell me facts about animals that amaze me and name birds like it's nobody's business.  Love it!

You already know that we have lessons to do this weekend.  It won't be fun but it's necessary.  Don't tell them but Sunday will still be a day of rest.  Our little secret, right?

Hop on over to Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers to see what everyone else is up to this week!


  1. I am seriously impressed with the marathon! I've thought about running for a few years now. That's pretty much as far as I've gotten, though.

    Sounds like a wonderful week, and that is the coolest catapult I have ever seen!

  2. Way to go on the half marathon! Looks like a great week!

  3. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Wow! I am inspired! I could have never done the half marathon in the time limit! I just "found" your blog today for the first time! We also have a kiddo (oldest son) on the spectrum! I use blogger too and used to have this very cool orance and pink swirly background! Great minds have the same great taste! I'm also kind of ADHD so I changed it to another pattern I like recently! :O)

  5. Wowzer! I am glad you had fun! If I ever got the gumption to run then Disney's marathon would be on the list! ;) I hear it is fabulous. Looking forward to hearing all about it.

    Glad you enjoyed Disney.

  6. Congratulations on the half marathon- I'm not sure I could walk it let alone run some of it- well done you!!
    Loved it when you described your daughter chatting for your whole walk as Heaven on earth. I have four VERY chatty girls and I need to remind myself that it is Heaven on earth (especially when they are all talking at the same time as well as their incredibly talkative brother)!!

    1. Don't worry. I have to remind myself on a regular basis that if I don't listen to what's important to her now then she won't tell me the important things when she's a teenager. That girl can talk! lol

  7. CONGRATS on the 1/2 marathon !!!

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